Hydro Scaling and Wash Down
9 mile hydro tunnel rehab in Banos, Ecuador was using 4 high pressure water nozzles for wash down and scaling old deteriorated Gunite. This took forever and weas unsafe for the miners. We replaced these with our modified was down nozzle, doing the job in a fraction of the time.
This image shows the velocity for temporary scaling wash down prior to shotcreting. The video below also shows the high velocity created by our custom nozzle.
Our nozzle is featured at Loveland Ski Area to show the nozzle is also effective for making snow using less air than a standard snowmaking nozzle. As an example, this nozzle will create enough velocity to instantly make snow up to 200+ feet away from the nozzle.
This image shows the velocity for temporary scaling wash down prior to shotcreting. The video below also shows the high velocity created by our custom nozzle.
Link: Ecuador Paper